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Sunday 11 January 2015

Four Methods:Using Chrome to Hack GmailUsing Phishing to Hack GmailUsing Password 

Reminder ScriptUsing Keylogging Software

Hacking a Gmail address can come in handy if you lose your account password, manage other people’s business accounts or simply want to improve your computer skills. If you want to crack Gmail passwords, you can hack Gmail with browser settings, phishing and keylogging software and special scripts. Learning these common hacks can help you protect your computer from hackers.
Method 1 of 4: Using Chrome to Hack Gmail
Find out if the person whose email you want to hack uses Google Chrome. If it is your own Gmail account, you can crack your own password using this method.
  • In order to use this method, the user must have set up Google Chrome to automatically log in to a Gmail account. You will access saved data in the Chrome browser.
Different Themes
Posted by Sana Malik


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